Project Assignment
Construction of a pilot plant for the desulphurization of flue gases from a heavy fuel fired steam generator
using the regenerative desulphurization process method ISPRA MARK 13A.

Ferlini Technology, Genua European Commission, Brussels

Our Services
Pre-project concept
Process technical component design
Specification of individual components
Invitation to tenders
Bid analysis
Supervision and coordination of construction measures
Plant documentation and operating instructions

Starting Situation
The regenerative desulphurization method developed by the joint EU research center in Ispra / Italy
manufactures sulphur acid and hydrogen as products resulting out of the desulphurization process. The
method successfully tested on laboratory scale was transposed with a fuel gas throughput of 32.000 m3
(i.N.)/h. The place for setting up the pilot plant was the Saras Refinery in Sarroch, Sardinia.

The EDP supported operation manual serves as a practical guide for the user; it is especially convenient
for the user because of its clear organization using tables, and indexes and it is very easy to update.

Processing Time
1988 thru 1991

Facts and Figures
Flue gas volume flow: 32.000 m3(i.N.)/h
Flue gas temperature: 180 °C
Crude gas SO2-Gehalt: 4,5 - 12 g/m3
Crude gas dust content: 200 mg/m3
Pure gas SO2-Gehalt: <400 mg/m3>
Pure gas dust content: <30 mg/m3>

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