Biomasse-Heizkraftwerk Elsterwerda:

Compilation of Basic Concept, Project Controlling and Construction Supervision


Kommunal Investition Treuhand und Beratung GmbH (KITG)


ECH Services

·       Compilation of a basic concept for the construction of a biomass

       operated heat and power plant at Elsterwerda

·       Carrying out authorization planning

·       Project controlling and coordination of interfaces during the

       construction phases of the biomass heat and power plant

·       Construction supervision


Processing Time

Start: May 2001

Completion: projected for the end of 2004

Short Summary
The KITG, majority shareholder of the Elsterwerda town's Department of Works, intended to have a biomass operated heat and power plant erected on the Department's grounds. 

The plant is to be operated with old wood of the classes Al to AIV and the project has been authorized according to the ordinances of 17th BImSchV. Upon completion of the plant, approximately 75,000 tons of old wood can be utilized yearly

Technical Parameter

·       44  MW furnace heating capacity

·       12 MW electrical capacity with

·       12 MW district heating coupling   

     (current status of development of  district heating network) 


Plant Technology
·       feed grate boiler

·       steam turbine

ECH had already been contracted for the compilation of the preliminary concept and, as a result, also for the process controlling and construction supervision during the  implementation phases. Project developers are the town's Department of Works  Elsterwerda GmbH.

Upon completion of the authorization planning, a 5-stage smoke gas purification was recommended in order to assure that the plant remain below the limiting values.

 An open town meeting was held at which time ECH presented the citizens with comprehensive information about the plant construction; after this presentation, the project was accepted and could be started


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