Project Assignment
Realization of a global communication network BKU - Büro Kommunikation Unternehmensweit der
Deutschen Bahn AG (Company-wide office communications of the German Federal Railway Company)

Mannesmann Arcor

General Description
The project BKU put a new infrastructure into practice for the information technology systems of the German
Federal Railway. This infrastructure serves as a basis for a company-wide interconnecting of information in
which modern applications, such as groupware, filing or multimedia, can be reflected.

BKU Project Scope
Installation of approximately 30,000 BKU workstations
Cabling of approximately 1.000 buildings with local area networks (LAN)
Global connection of local networks to a wide area network (WAN)

The German Federal Railway Company commissioned Arcor, a new tele-communication company, with the
implementation of the project. The planning and controlling of the communication network development at
the different property sites, including the necessary infrastructure measures, was successfully carried out
by the Arcor company with the engineering support of Oskar von Miller.

Our Services
Invitation to tenders
Site supervision

Processing Time

Layout and Design Planning
Passive network (primary network, secondary network, tertiary network)
Active network (switches and router)
Telecommunication network
230V supplying
Constructional measures (distribution rooms, air conditioning, fire protection, line layout, rail cross-

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