Project Assignment
engineering concept for the Terminal 2 ramp, the power supplying and the
entire electro-technology for
navigation lighting systems, taxiways, docking and positioning systems.
Munich Airport GmbH
Our Services
control system
airplane docking
and positioning systems
expansion of
navigation lighting / transformer station at Fire Station North
other lighting,
road-marking and early warning systems
The extension of ramp 2 and 3 is coupled with the new construction
of Terminal 2 and the adjacent passen-
ger check-in satellites at the edge of the ramp 2. The new terminal will
be erected at the western border of
the building site with 24 airplane parking spaces; a row of vacant parking
spaces is also planned for the east
ramp edge. During the entire period of construction, flight operations
will remain uninterrupted without excep-
tions. Considering the fact that there are more than 80 flight arrivals
and departures in one hour, this requires
a great amount of organizational talent.
Processing Time
With the implementation of the most modern systems for
lighting, taxiing, airplane dock-ing and positioning
in ramp 2 and 3, the ramp safety will be increased considerably. Parallel
to this, the number of possible flight
movements can be significantly increased.