Project Assignment
Re-building of the Chemistry Faculty university building complex
Modernization of the student hall of residence

Federal Building Surveyor's Office Leipzig

General Description
The University of Leipzig looks back at a long tradition. As an integral part of the planned modernization
measures, the entire building complex of the Chemistry and Mineralogy Department was to be newly equip-
ped with state-of-the-art laboratory and information technology. The adjoined student hall of residence was
to be renovated and each room equipped with an outlet for connection to the campus network.

During the planning of the technical equipment, the stipulations prescribed by the ordinances for assembly
sites and the specific technical requirements for the laboratory were all taken into consideration. The major
emphasis in planning for the lecture halls and seminar rooms was placed upon the media technical equip-
ment, including software supported, programmable controlling for the media and lighting technology.

Total Construction Costs
approximately 78 Mio. DM

Our Services
Invitation to tenders
Site supervision

Gross Floor Area
Department buildings: 12,150qm
Student residence hall: 1,880qm

Processing Time

Layout and Design Planning
Electro-technical planning for the university buildings (including laboratories, lecture halls, foyers,
     cafeteria and library), according to the (VDE 0108) official ordinances for assembly sites
Concept and planning of all information technology components and systems
Electro- und information technology planning for the adjoined student resident hall

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