Project Assignment
Expansion of the existing supply center for generating heat, refrigeration, power and emergency power for the supplying of the new Terminal 2, currently under construction.

Airport Munich GmbH

Our Services
Invitation to tender
Placement of orders
Site supervision

Scope of Processing
Introduction of a future-oriented control system for the new plant and disconnection of the old control system
of the existing plant.

Processing Time

Starting Situation
The existing supply center went into operation with the opening of the new Munich airport in the year 1992.
With the construction of the new terminal 2, the heat demand increased by 15 MW, refrigeration demand
increased by 14 MW and the power supply demand by 12 MW. The operation technological installations of
the supply center had to be expanded accordingly. This is to take place by means of two additional block
heat and power modules, each with 4,5 MW electrical capacity. Included in the expansion measures is the
corresponding modernization of control technological installations.

With the expansion of the supply center, the Airport Munich has a secured own supply of utilities and with the implementation of future-oriented control technology, man-power and costs for maintenance can be reduced.

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