BMW AG München

Project Assignment
Evaluation of the power and emergency power concept for the expansion of the Research and Engineering
Center ("FIZ" - Forschungs- und Ingenieurzentrums) of the BMW AG Munich / Milbertshofen.


Scope of Processing

Taking inventory
Completion of the documentation
Calculations for the different load and short-circuit supply variants
Examination of existing weak points and offering of various solutions

Processing Time

Starting Situation
The BMW AG intends to erect several new buildings on their grounds in Munich where their research and engineering center ("FIZ") is located. A comprehensive master plan with corresponding details on utilization and loads has been drawn up for measures throughout the final expansion phase which is planned for the year 2015.

As a result of the calculations and examinations carried out and the recommendations offered, the planning assurance for a step by step expansion of the "FIZ" power supply network could be increased significantly.

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